JINBAICHENG Materials Metallis Co., Ltd

J55 K55 N80 Oil Tubing and Casing Steel Pipe

Brevis descriptio:

Standard: API 5L, API 5CT, ASTM A106/A53, ASTM A519, JIS G3441, JIS G3444, JIS G3445 DIN 2391, EN10305, EN10210, ASME SA106, SA192, SA210, SA213, SA335;

Steel Grade: J55 K55 L80 L80-13Cr N80-1 N80-Q N80-1 C90 C95 T95 P110 Q125

Testimonium: API 5L PSL1 / PSL2, API 5CT, ISO 9001-2008

Diameter: 1/8 – 36 inch (10.3-914.4mm)

Murus Crassitudo: 1.73-40mm

Longitudo: Random Longitudo, Fixa Longitudo, SRL, DRL

Process: Seamless Steel Pipe (SMLS Steel Pipe)

Product Detail

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Overview of N80 K55 OCTG Tubing Pipe

Tibia olearia est fistula ferrea ad parietes olei et putei gasi ad sustentandos ut normalis operatio totius olei bene secundum artem processum et complementum invigilet. Uterque bene pluribus stratis stratis utitur secundum diversas rationes profundis et geologicis exercendis. Caementum coagmentum adhibetur post armamentis in puteum demissis. Dissimilis tibiae oleum et fistulas terebrare, reddi non potest et est una materia temporis consumabilis. Ideo consumptio rationum causalium pro plusquam 70% totius olei fistulae bene.

API-5CT-Seamless-Steel-Pipe-cum-J55-K55-N80-L80-N80q-P110 Casing-and-Tube (2)

Specificationes Olei Tubing et Casing Steel Pipe

Label D extra diametrum mm Muri crassitudo t mm C. Type de fine, metam
1 2
H40 J55 L80 N80 1Q C90 T95 P110
1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1.9 2.75 2.9 2.76 48.26 3.68 PNUI PNUI PNUI PNUI PNUI PNUI -
1.9 3.65 3.73 - 48.26 5.08 PU PU PU PU PU PU PU
1.9 4.42 - - 48.26 6.35 - - P - P P -
2 3/8 4 - - 60.32 4.24 PU PN PN PN PN PN -
2 3/8 4.6 4.7 - 60.32 4.83 PNU PNU PNU PNU PNU PNU PNU
2 3/8 5.8 5.95 - 60.32 6.45 - - PNU PNU PNU PNU PNU
2 3/8 6.6 - - 60.32 7.49 - - P - P P -
2 3/8 7.35 7.45 - 60.32 8.53 - - PU - PU PU -
2 7/8 6.4 6.5 - 73.02 5.51 PNU PNU PNU PNU PNU PNU PNU
2 7/8 7.8 7.9 - 73.02 7.01 - - PNU PNU PNU PNU PNU
2 7/8 8.6 8.7 - 73.02 7.82 - - PNU PNU PNU PNU PNU
2 7/8 9.35 9.45 - 73.02 8.64 - - PU - PU PU -
2 7/8 10.5 - - 73.02 9.96 - - P - P P -
3 1/2 7.7 - - 88.9 5.49 PN PN PN PN PN PN -
3 1/2 9.2 9.3 - 88.9 6.45 PNU PNU PNU PNU PNU PNU PNU
3 1/2 10.2 - - 88.9 7.34 PN PN PN PN PN PN -
3 1/2 12.7 12.95 - 88.9 9.52 - - PNU PNU PNU PNU PNU
3 1/2 14.3 - - 88.9 10.92 - - P - P P -
3 1/2 15.5 - - 88.9 12.09 - - P - P P -
4 9.5 - - 101.6 5.74 PN PN PN PN PN PN -
4 10.7 11 - 101.6 6.65 PU PU PU PU PU PU -
4 13.2 - - 101.6 8.38 - - P - P P -
4 16.1 - - 101.6 10.54 - - P - P P -
4 1/2 12.6 12.75 - 114.3 6.88 PNU PNU PNU PNU PNU PNU -
4 1/2 15.2 - - 114.3 8.56 - - P - P P -

Mechanica proprietates N80 K55 OCTG Tubing Pipe

Group Gradus Type Totalis elongatio sub onus% Cedant vires Mpa Min MPa fortitudo distrahens duritia max
        min max   HRC HBW
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 J55 - 0.5 379 552 517 - -
  K55 - 0.5 379 552 655 - -
  N80 1 0.5 552 758 689 - -
  N80 Q 0.5 552 758 689 - -
2 L80 1 0.5 552 655 655 23 241
  L80 9Cr 0.5 552 655 655 23 241
  L80 13Cr 0.5 552 655 655 23 241
  C90 1?2 0.5 621 724 689 25.4 255
  C95 - 0.5 655 758 724 - -
  T95 1?2 0.5 655 758 724 25.4 255
3 P110 - 0.6 758 965 862 - -
4 Q125 All 0.65 862 1034 931 - -
API 5L-Seamless Chalybe-Casing EXERCITATIO Pipe ferrum Tubing oleum bene EXERCITATIO (24).

Relatio Inspectionis pro J55/K55

Visual inspectionem pro organo superficiei
Dimension reprehendo
Mechanica experimentum super vires distrahentes, cedunt vires et elongationes
Analysis chemica
NDT test inter particulam magneticam, Test ultrasonic, Testam hydrostaticam
Charpy impulsum test
adulatione probat
duritia test
Pereffluamus test
Fines sequelae cum filo METIOR et coitu reprehendo reprehendo

J55 VS K55 (PSL1 et PSL2).

J55 et K55 similes sunt materiae in compositione chemica et proprietatibus mechanicis, praesertim J55 exigentiam distrahentem minimam inferiorem et elongationem inferiorem, aliae specificationes similes sunt modi tractandi caloris modi, NDE test, Charpy Impact test, hydrostatica test.
J55/K55 minimum cedunt vires: 379-552 Mpa;
J55 vires distrahentes minimum: 517 Mpa, elongatio ≥ 19%;
K55 vires distrahentes minimum: 655 Mpa, elongatio ≥ 15%.

API 5L-Seamless Chalybe-Casing EXERCITATIO Pipe ferrum Tubing oleum bene EXERCITATIO (25)

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